Exploring the cutting-edge world of technology and its impact on society. Where innovation is driving everything from the way we work to the way we communicate, travel, and even think.
Christian Hammer

Leanne Linsky: Bridging Comedy and Technology

S2 E17 • Mar 26, 2024 • 17 mins

In this episode, we talk to Leanne Linsky about her innovative platform, Plauzzable, which is reshaping how comedians connect with audiences worldwide. Transitioning from a career in stand-up comedy to tech entrepreneurship, Linsky shares her insights on the parallels between comedy and business, the challenges comedians face in finding and growing their audience, and how her solution, Plauzzable, offers a unique approach to live, interactive comedy experiences online. We explore her journey from identifying a personal need to creating a platform that not only solves her problem but also supports comedians in monetizing their craft and reaching fans directly, all in real-time.

Key Points

  • Entrepreneurs and comedians share similarities such as high intelligence, a unique perspective on the world, and often a darker view that they try to make more enjoyable for others.
  • The platform Plauzzable was created to solve the problem of comedians needing to work out their material without spending excessive time and money, offering live, interactive comedy shows and events where performers can earn the majority of ticket revenue.
  • Discoverability is a significant challenge for comedians, and Plauzzable aims to address this by becoming a dedicated platform where comedians can showcase their talent and interact with a live audience, fostering a more direct connection between performers and fans.
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